Abutilon, Irises, Honeywort, Dragon Fruit, and Agave

Today, I will have two new plants that I don’t usually talk about: dragon fruit and agave. I’ve had them in the garden for many years so they are actually not new plants. They haven’t flowered and right now they are just THERE. I do want to bring it up today because sometimes it can be interesting to see a weird thing or two. One thing these two have in common is that they were not purchased by me but were given to me. I guess that’s why I don’t showcase it like I would with the other plants that I love. I will discuss them more in details but first the PRETTY flowering plants!



The reddish one below is called “Red Embers”.


Oh, there’s so many of them this week! These are getting crazy with their flowering.


I took a picture below without Hunter in that very spot and it didn’t look quite as pretty so my son and I decided I should post this picture with Hunter. His tan-colored coat makes a nice contrast.

These are up-close pictures of the honeywort. Did I show this recently, I can’t remember anymore! I noticed I am quickly becoming a very forgetful person. I’ve been playing Sudoku a lot so that I can keep my brain working. I play the expert level of sudoku at least once a day. I am actually pretty addicted to it.


So far I only have one of this flower. It has the best looking red color.


About 4 years ago my friend gave me two dragon fruit cuttings, I put them in the pot and they’ve been there ever since. I never repotted and now it has grown like a crazy octopus reaching out everywhere amongst this tree. I have only seen it flower a beautiful white flower once several years ago. I haven’t really tried to figure out how to get it to flower and bear fruit yet!


My mom gave me this agave several years ago too. It is going to get enormous and grow a flowering thing that can get as tall as 25 feet. I’m starting to worry about my decision to keep it here as it is beginning to take over a big area of my back garden. People who like to grow low-water gardens love these plants. Me, I’m a soft flowing flowering-plant lover.

That’s all for today’s post! I’m off to exercise this evening!

16 replies to “Abutilon, Irises, Honeywort, Dragon Fruit, and Agave

  1. Your garden has gone gaga! And it’s such a blessing to witness it! Hunter looks adorable in front of the nasturtium beds. And, I saw somewhere, dragon fruit needs a strong pillar of support for fruiting, so some people even use concrete pillars! But I have no experience of growing one ever, so I don’t know anything more about the plant. I hope yours will fruit in time.

    Liked by 3 people

            1. I just looked it up and someone said it usually takes at least 3 years. One lady said she fertilized it after the 3rd year and had flowers.
              I think I had a flower in my 3rd year too. We should fertilize it to get it to bloom faster.

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Oh, ok! I ended up planting it in my parents garden where there is more sun and gets the automatic sprinklers. I visited “my friends” the other day. Still there. I’ll be more patient. Thanks for the info!

                Liked by 2 people

  2. It is all so very beautiful. I planted some seeds. The only thing that has sprouted so far is the Ornamental Kale. I think I started to early. It hasn’t been warm enough. I got some Ranunculus’s if that is how you spell it. They haven’t budged! I hope I didn’t put them in upside down.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Be patient with both of those plants. Ornamental kale won’t change colors until close to end of summer. They look prettiest during the winter months. The ranunculus may or may not bloom this year. I think they will find a way to turn upright even if you planted upside down. I had those red ones I planted 2 years ago and only saw them bloom this year. I don’t think that is normal though. I can’t wait to see yours!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Aww, that’s so nice of you to say! I love hearing that! I believe God let me have this garden to share, bring joy, and inspire others. I am glad we connected on your devotional blog too!

          Liked by 2 people

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