Tuscan Beaded Necklace “Parade of Daisies”

I finished this daisy beaded necklace a few days ago. I tried to wear it to work yesterday but it was cold and my jacket covered up much of the necklace so I had to put it aside. I will have to wait for a hot summer day to wear this!

The necklace pattern was from a beading magazine. The design is called “Parade of Daisies” by Alice Haron. I’ve never heard of this designer and the colors wouldn’t normally attract me but I wanted to pick things that I don’t usually pick just to get out of my “normal” ways.

With this one, I am trying to make a “statement necklace” that have big medallions like ones in the J. Crew women’s clothing stores. I used to have a few pieces from J. Crew but I stopped wearing them because they were so heavy and with fake jewelry, the enamel made me itch. So now, I make most of my jewelry: bracelets, rings, and necklaces.

This necklace called for a lot of different sizes of pearls in 8mm, 6mm, 4mm, 3mm, and even 2mm to make the chain. I substituted it all by using small 11/0 seed beads to stitch the chain. I substituted the 2-hole DiscDuos with tile beads.

I really like the colors in this one. It reminded me of some jewelry I consider to be “Tuscan” even though I’m not 100% sure of what that means. I just remembered it being bronze with green and gold. So this is my interpretation of “Tuscan”.

This is a fairly short necklace, just slightly longer than a choker in order for it to lay close to the neck, otherwise the medallions flop over! One thing I didn’t think about when I switched out the pearls was that the tiles I used didn’t allow for the necklace to curve following the curvature of one’s neckline as it should. Well, I should say, I should have made some adjustments to the design so that it can curve better. It’s not a terrible upset in the design but it is noticeable to me when I wore it. So better planning for future necklaces!

You may not have noticed but there are some really nice brownish green beads in this necklace that gave this necklace a nice ancient Tuscan look. I love it. I am often surprised by how mixing colors in beads kind of give the same blending effect as you do in painting.

You can’t tell in these pictures but this picture below shows the necklace with a raised 3-D effect. There was a lot of work put into each of these medallions.

The picture below shows the backside of the necklace. See how the gold pearl is sunken in?

That’s all for today. I hope you enjoyed looking at my beaded necklace. Have a great day!

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