Kangaroo Paws, Flowers, and Dogs in the Garden

I’ve gathered a small collection of photos of my dogs hanging out in the garden. They are very hard to photograph because they never look in the camera long enough to get a decent picture. For about 2 seconds when I called out “cookies” they will look at me, then turned quickly away when they realized it was a trick.

Waggles hair is a little bit lopsided because he won’t sit still for me to cut his hair. It is very difficult to cut around his face. His coat gets tangled a lot too, so it is easier for me to just cut it rather than brushing it out. His fur also traps dead leaves and grass when he goes outside. I usually have to pick up after him when he comes inside.

The dogs in their respective beds under my desk.

Hunter was digging around my purple-flowered “money plant”.

Hunter with the “Orange Ice” bougainvillea.

A baby curled up on his baby blanket.


What a lovely name this plant has! I have a perfume from Avon that is called “Today, Tomorrow, and Always” that I love to death! So anything that has the words “today” and “tomorrow” is an automatic positive association. Come to think of it, this flower smells very floral just like the perfume. Anyway, I searched everywhere for this plant when I saw it flowering at the Sherman Gardens in Corona Del Mar last spring. There are two varieties of brunsfelsia, the scented and unscented. I accidentally bought the unscented first and then had to go look for this one that is scented. It smells almost like a gardenia. This blooms three different colors: white, light lavender, and purple. My plant is in a small 4-inch pot right now. I am waiting to give it a permanent home in my garden.


I went out to my local garden store this week to look for a new kangaroo paw plant. I killed one of my favorites a few months ago so I’m looking for a replacement. I remembered that I bought it right about this time of the year. I didn’t see the exact green and red kangaroo paw like last time but found this awesome yellow one, which I have never seen one like it before.

This purple kangaroo paw I had last spring and it is just reblooming. It is such a beautiful plant. I especially like purple and green color combinations.


Pictures never do this rose justice. It is so much prettier in person if you can see it changing from the time the bud is getting ready to bloom until a day or two after it bloomed. The colors changed from orange, to lavender, to brown, and then to a light pink.

“At Last” Rose


By now, you are probably very knowledgeable in identifying all the flowers so I won’t label them. I am sharing some NEW pictures of my old plants that you have seen a few posts ago. I think the pictures gets better and better.

“Little Sunshine” Abutilon is an adorable little plant. I love abutilons because they flower abundantly.

That’s all of the fantastic flowers for now. I hope you have a nice week. I’m so glad Wednesday is here already!

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