Beaded Pendant

I haven’t made any beaded jewelry in the last several months. I really miss it. I’ve been telling myself to make time to do that. I also miss crocheting and knitting.  There is not enough time to do everything we love, is there?

Well, I MADE time yesterday to do this beaded pendant. I needed a silver pendant to go with some of my outfits. I had hoped it was going to be a bigger pendant but it turned out to be only an inch wide. Now I will have to make two more of this pendant below and hopefully figure out a creative necklace design out of it.

Outside in natural light

I made this pendant three times before I got it right on the third try. That usually doesn’t happen but this design had a lot of complicated interchange that I goofed on because I was watching a show at the same time. The pendant only took a total of an hour to make. The pattern is called “Squared Away” and came from a beading book called Creative Beading, Volume 9. See the pictures below.

My work tray had a lot of beads on it but that’s usually what happens when I am trying out different colors and beads to see what works best.

That’s the latest in my beading blog. I have the day off this Monday, so I will likely finish the necklace soon. Have a nice day!

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