Scabiosas, Lilies, Poppies, Chicory, and More

Want a garden filled with colorful pompom flowers? Then you should grow scabiosas. Today is mostly about scabiosas, or pincushion flowers. I will ramble about other plants too but right now I’m really happy about my scabiosas. I have a zillion of them growing in my backyard. They re-seed and spread all over. Last year I grew a batch of seeds with a mix of pinks and purples. This year they got taller and more prolific in blooms. The group below have branches that are about 5 -6 feet all. They look deliciously like an ice-cream scoop. So cute! I love the pink, lavender, and lilac colors in these!!!

Below is a group of them cuties in a beautiful lavender color. I love, love this color! I grew all these colors in one seedling pod so if you look in the ground a riotous of colors are coming out of one area. Here you can see red and pink but there are actually white in the area too.

This red scabiosa is in a different area and it has taken them a whole year before they flowered. I think these were more in a shadier area. It is all worth it! I bought it because I love deep red flowers in my garden and these were the perfect amblers, crawling/leaning against a fence. See it doing its job down there?


I LOVE these “Rosella’s Dream” lilies below. So BEAUTIFUL! The colors are all of my favorites: pink, cream, and yellow. My garden looks like a jungle in the background, right?

I love the way this picture below captured the red lily with some matching yellow Dusty Miller flowers. What an amazing view when going out in the garden and see that bright red against the Dusties.


This perennial poppy is called “Fruit Punch” and it is one of the prettiest poppies I’ve ever seen. I’ve had it since March 2020. I didn’t get many blooms, just this one so far. Previous years I’ve had about 5-6. The gardeners mowed over half of it so I think it may have affected its growth this year. I’m not sure how long it will live but when it dies, my heart will go with it. Poppies are usually an annual plant but this plant came to me in a bulb form so it may be a hardier type. In my garden it is a year-round plant.

This pink poppy is grown from seeds. Poppy flowers only last a day or two. I always miss taking their pictures in the morning because they bloom while I’m at work usually. By the end of the day they look ragged. I had to catch this one early in the morning on a weekend.

One picture of it is not enough, especially against these beautiful white and yellow Dusty Miller plant.

This one below is called purple poppy mallow callirhoe. I couldn’t get a better picture of this but the color is really a bright beautiful pink.


I’ve had this lavatera Island Mallow since February 2021 and it only started flowering this year. It is a really fast grower and it is now about 8 feet tall with lots of flowers. I got vicious with the loppers last year when it didn’t bloom. Snip snip snip it went down to half of its size now. I vowed if it didn’t bloom this year it will be dug up. I kind of regret putting it in the tiny area that it is now. It swallowed up all the sunlight from all my other precious plants.


This below is another pretty ranunculus. I adore these little cuties. I would love a field of these.


Okay, these chicory are pretty cute with the light blue flowers and it’s amazing when it comes to attracting bees but it is an invasive sucker! They get big really, really fast. They get to be about 6-8 feet tall and they flop all over the yard. Cut them back or try and destroy their roots and they will come back with a vengeance! I complain but I actually like them. I let them live in places I need tall green plants.


I love this bush! It blooms almost all year long in my garden. Lovely, little, bouncing pink flowers!


You must be going loco with my constant showing of these roses. Loco in Spanish means “crazy”. I love these peach-turn-to-brown roses! Right now is its best blooms ever. It’s about 2 years in the ground and it’s pretty happy there. Have you seen a brown rose before? I haven’t until I saw these.



I don’t remember which kind this brugmansia is but I’ve had it for an extremely long time, maybe over 10 years! I love its bell-shaped flowers and wonderful fragrance.

That’s all folks! I hope you enjoyed this flower show from my garden. See you next time! Enjoy your Fourth of July holiday if you are in the U.S!!!

4 replies to “Scabiosas, Lilies, Poppies, Chicory, and More

  1. What a fabulous selection of flowers. I love all your scabious pin cushions. And a brown rose! Who could resist that? I love brown flowers. Is your Brugmansia hardy? How cold does it get in winter in your garden? It is a magnificent plant.

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