Daylilies, Oriental Lilies, Tree Lilies, Gloriosa Lilies, and Pineapple Plant

I’ve been saving all my lilies pictures to share but I will have more later on in a few weeks. There are more lilies that are just budding right now and may not bloom for a few more days. In this post are all kinds of lilies and the status of my pineapple plant.


I’ve had the daylilies for at least 5 years, they were one of my very first plants when I started to get into gardening. I was attracted to them because they were easy to grow and they have beautiful colors. They are very drought tolerant, too which is a plus because it gets dry and hot here in Southern California in the summer.

This one below is a really dark maroon color which I adore. They really stand out in the garden amongst the green rose bush.

I think these maroon colored daylilies look similar to the ones above but this one has some fiery yellow and orange in the bottom petals. I don’t remember these from years before.

This daylily has some very strange colors that is not the norm. It is usually a dark pink color but this looks odd but I like its colors.


I don’t like calling these lilies “oriental” and I will tell you why. When I was little I used to hate being called the “oriental girl” here in the U.S. I came to the U.S. as an immigrant around 7 or 8 years old. I came here by boat with my mom. Back in the early 80s, there were not a lot of Asians in the U.S. so there were some prejudices against Asians living in America. I remembered learning English for the first time and I remembered a few American people used to stare and whisper at me and my mom at the grocery stores. What I disliked the most was that they called us “THE ORIENTALS”. The way they said it was not in a nice way. I kept hearing that same tone whenever they refer to us “Orientals” up until high school. By that time people have gotten used to seeing more Asians and being more politically correct by calling us Asians instead. Nowadays, I never hear oriental except in describing these flowers below.

These lilies are growing in the very back of my yard where I am working hard to develop into shade garden. Right now it is dry since we took out a bad fig tree. My pineapple plant is back here sheltered from the afternoon sun.

I think this lily is called “Yelloween”. Isn’t that cute?

These white and red lilies are so wonderful with their big flowers. They have a nice strong floral scent. There are so many flowers! These lilies are about 3 feet tall.


These lily trees I’ve had since the beginning of time. The advertisement said they are supposed to get bigger each year and they get as tall as 10 feet. Well, it’s been 4-5 years now and so far it’s only about 4 -4 1/2 feet. Though it is false advertisement, I’m happy to have them as they smell so GOOD and flowery like gardenias! They look so nice here in my garden amongst my jungly plants.

They’re really impressive in the garden, aren’t they?


The gloriosa lilies I showed you on the last post is continuing to thrive and bloom. Here below it is showing pink blooms which I think is a first so far this year. The other ones were red and yellow.

There are still a lot of buds coming soon as you can see in this picture below. The leaves are where they have their vine-like tendrils.


My pineapple plant is coming up a little more in the past few days. Yesterday, I noticed that it is actually coming out of it center more. This baby is going to get real big soon! Oh, I’m so excited!!! This is the year I’ve been waiting for! Nothing should happen to this plant or I’ll die!

It’s been so long since I’ve post any jewelry or crochet projects. I am working on some major items right now so it is taking so long. I hope I can finish the beading in a week or so. At the same time, I am also working on the Barbie crochet project I mentioned a month ago. It’s still happening but slowly.

Anyway, that’s all for now. I hope you have a nice weekend ahead.

16 replies to “Daylilies, Oriental Lilies, Tree Lilies, Gloriosa Lilies, and Pineapple Plant

  1. I have never heard of a Lily Tree. They are all so beautiful. I bought some Stargazer Lilies for the first time this year. They bloomed pretty easy but lasted only 1 week. Is that normal? They look done. They are in a pot. Should I put them in the ground for the winter? My Rose of Sharon’s bark is still green. The leaves look terrible. But it does that every year and still comes back. Love the Pineapple!
    I can’t imagine how hard it would be to change countries. How is your Mom doing?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Stargazer’s lifespan sounds about right. They don’t last that long. If it snows and very cold there I would leave it in a pot. Continue to water until the leaves are no longer green. The leaves will die out sometime in the fall. Once the leaves die, stop watering and bring it under a roof where it is kept dry and warmer. If you want more lilies later, then put it in the ground but you can put mulch over them during the winter maybe.

      Good that your Rose of Sharon is alive. Keep it watered and fertilize lightly. Don’t let the pot dry out in the summer.

      My mom is doing ok. Her dementia doesn’t seem to be so bad, I still need to find her a new neurologist though. She is sometimes resistant to change.


    1. They smell so good and I wanted to cut them but I don’t know if they will look as good in the house as out there. Yes, the discrimination was hard, but I forgot about it until now. You’re so sweet.

      Liked by 1 person

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