Downtown and South Beach Miami Florida (Part 1)

My husband and I traveled to Miami Florida a few weeks ago for our 25th wedding anniversary. We left our boys at home. We decided on Miami because that was where we took a cruise trip to the Caribbean on our honeymoon. Initially, I wanted to take a cruise but we waited too late for all the COVID issues to be done that nothing good was left for cruises.

Miami Florida is a nice place but it was really hot and humid in June. The cab drivers said it is one of their slower months. The best time to go, they said, is in in March or April, with cooler weather and less tropical storms. There were quite a few tropical storms while we were there. Most had bouts of rain that lasted about a few minutes. One amazing thunderstorm that lasted all night with lightning and violent rain was when we stayed at a hotel in South Miami Beach. The loud thunder and rain somehow put my husband too sleep while I had to put earplugs on and cry. No, I didn’t. I was scared though.

If you are viewing this blog on a desktop computer or a tablet, the quality is wretched. I’m sorry. (The mobile app looks better though.) It’s not what I wanted but I am running out of space on this cheap WP plan so I had to reduce the size and quality of my images. I hate that because I pride myself on quality and crispness in my pictures. Maybe I will cut back on the number of pictures I post, I don’t know. Ideas anyone?


We stayed near this waterfront hotel. This is such a magical spot with sky-high apartments, hotels, and business buildings right on the beach. I have to tell you, I am a HUGE fan of taking pictures of blue skies and cloud formations. I love taking pictures of the sky as a backdrop to everything. You’ll see a lot of that in this post.


South Beach is a spot in Miami that I’ve seen in a few music videos (ahem: rap videos) so I wanted to see what it’s all about. It’s THE place for girls to parade in barely any clothes and guys driving around in bright sports car like some of the pictures you see here. One of my sons wanted us to take pictures of hot sports cars for him so that’s why I have these pictures below.

This cruise ship just left Miami’s cruise port nearby. I wish I was on a cruise ship. The pictures below are views from our hotel room. It was here that we got to hear the crazy thunderstorm one night. I wish we brought our boys because they would have loved to be in this nice calm water. Those lounge chairs out there belong to our hotel for guests to use.

Isn’t that a beautiful sunset? Look at those clouds!

I will end this for now. I will add the rest of the pictures in another post soon. Have a nice weekend everyone!

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