
Statice is one of the best cut flower you can grow.  They last more than a week in a vase.  I love them for this very reason.  I started these statice seeds sometime in December of 2019 and by June 2020 they were already blooming.  I had a statice mix so some of the plants are blue, white, yellow, and pink.   

The statice plant is not a common plant that you can find at a local nursery.  I found these while stumbling through seed catalogs. I don’t believe the seeds for this plant can be found in the seed section of the nursery either.

Statice are easiest to grow from seeds.  I found them easy to grow in full sun and somewhat dryer soil conditions. I have never had to fertilize mine and they still look great.  It is a tough, long-growing plant from what I can tell.  This is my first time growing them so I’m not sure how long they will live but based on research, it seems they will live probably well into winter.  I am happy to report it is still thriving and growing in my garden so I don’t think it will die back any time soon. 

Just a quick update on the seeds I grew from this post called “Growing Seeds“, I mistakenly left these seedlings to grow next to my sweet pea plants which had been outside.  Some spidery pests attacked the seedlings and now they are dying as you can see below.  I am so sad to see all my poppies dying.  Some of the carrots, beets, cilantro, lavender, and kale were salvageable. I think for my Christmas vacation I will grow a new batch of all of these again.  I will try to salvage whatever I can with these ones for now.  I’m hoping to put these out in my raised bed soon. 

On a happier note, I finally purchased myself an inexpensive amaryllis bulb and it is starting to emerge as you can see from the picture here. I can’t wait for this pink beauty to emerge!

2 replies to “Statice

  1. Annual statice, like you are growing is an excellent dried flower, holding its color for years if not exposed to direct sunlight. I grew hundreds of them for years. Just hang to dry in a dark, airy place. They dry very quickly, and then can be used in dried bouquets or wreaths. Good post!


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